शुक्रवार, 31 अगस्त 2018

Vasant kusumakar Ras uses and Benefits

Vasant kusumakar ras is basically used for helps to cure or stable the blood glucose level, urinary disorders in men and women both, urinary track also and diabetes both type 1 or 2 both .vasant kusumakar ras has many properties it can be used as anti –hyperglycemic , cardio protective and aphrodisiacetc , Anti-diabetic, Libido Stimulant.

Vasant kusumakar ras it has properties of anti-diabetic it helps to increase insulin level in plasma. Mostly diabetic patients has problem where they faced frequent urination, thirstiness, and increase of appetite. Here in this condition used of this stabilize blood sugar level which controls these symptoms of diabetes.

Ingredients of vasant kusumakar Ras

Vasant kusumkar ras is made of various herbs which are Praval Pishti,Ras Sindoor,Mukta Pishti ,Abhrak Bhasma , Swarna Bhasma,Raupya (Rajat) Bhasma,Loha Bhasma,Naga Bhasma,Vanga (Bang) Bhasma               Vasaka (Adhatoda Vasica), Haldi ,Ikshu (Ganna – Sugarcane) – Saccharum Officinarum ,Banana Tree Leaves – Musa Paradisiaca,Kamal (Lotus) – Nelumbium Speciosum Chameli (Malati or Royal Jasmine) – Jasminum Grandiflorum ,Shatavari (Asparagus Racemosa),Chandan etc all are having their percentages as par ayurved experts who made it in industry .

Vasant kusumakar Ras for Diabetic

Diabetic neuropathy is a type of nerve damage that can occurs if you have diabetes. High blood sugar (glucose) can injure nerves throughout your body.
Diabetic neuropathy which usually face by diabetic person like we know that diabetes effects on whole body if person has high blood sugar level that can injure whole body but diabetic neuropathy mostly effect nerves of legs and hands which you may have seen in diabetic person. As per medical science it has four types and their symptoms as per define.
We know that vasant kusumakar ras is made of rich source of herbs among them chandi bhasma is helps to benefits to curing diabetic neuropathy like in burning in under the legs then vasant kusumakar ras should be given with guluchyadi kashayam basically it requires long treatment to cure but it also depends on patients’ blood sugar level and lifestyle too.

Vasant Kusumakar Ras for Diabetes carbuncle

Diabetes carbuncle we know that diabetes effects whole body and reduce immune power to fights with diseases in similar it reduce skin combat from infections which develop blisters or boils on skin you may have notice people with pain or pus blisters on neck, back, thigh etc. vasant kusumakar ras helps to cure diabetes carbuncle it reduces inflammation, redness, and prevent infections to spread in other body parts. But it also requires long time and your blood sugar level which ups and downs as par your lifestyle.

Vasant Kusumakar Ras for weight gain

Like we know that diabetes person are having problem of overweight mostly In type 2 diabetes person but some people has problem of loss of weight you may have notice that people eat good amount of food with rich source of protein and fat but weight does not increase it helps to maintain weight and give strength if it consume with ashwagandha powder for vata type of people and if give with shatavari and mulethi for pitta type of people with adjuvant for gaining weight and strength.

Vasant Kusumakar Ras side effects

It does not have any side effects to usual consumption of it in normal dosage like a heavy metal  is there then it must be consume under the guides of Ayurveda practitioner to prevent any side effects  .

write your health problem At info@maharhsibadri.com

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