बुधवार, 29 अगस्त 2018

Ashwagandha Benefits and uses

Ashwagandha which is Ayurveda medicine use for many diseases for treatment of them it has many healthy properties which like Aphrodisiac, anti-inflammatory, anti-depressant, adaptogenic, anti-arthritic, carminative etc. ashawagandha which also called withania somniferous. The used of it in many diseases like increase or enhancing immune system , frequent miscarriage , anxiety , stress , depression, arthritis , anemia ,diabetes ,parkinson’s etc.

Ashawagandha is being used since years longs by Ayurveda experts it plays major role in various Ayurveda treatments of diseases. If we say the word ashawagandha then meaning of it “smell of horse”. there is also people say about why it  name  like this then ashawagandha plant has many parts like leave, root, origin etc and it root of ashawgandha emits the smell of horse and another reason for say that if you consuming  it in any form then it may develops or enhances vitality , energy levels , internal body strength same as horse .

Like we all know that various parts of ashawgandha has medical properties In root of ashawgandha is highly useful for medical because it has narocotic , aphrodisiac diluretic properties. Root of ashawagandha has amino acids, alkaloids and starch. And different types of amino acids are in different plant parts of ashawgandha. Ashawgandha seeds and flowers have useful properties seeds are anthelmintic and flowers are diuretic and aphrodisiac. Apart from this ashawagandha leaves and fruits are also useful they are having flavonoids and tannis. Where flavonoid works as antioxidants and helps to decrease free radicals.

Ashwagandha for Heart Diseases

Ashwagandha is very good tonic for heart diseases it works well in them. Like ashwangandha is hypolipididemic which helps to reduce lipid levels it has adaptogen that helps to decrease the effects of stress hypertension and apart from this it ashwangandha is an anticoagulant the helps to reduces the blood clotting in body.
Here lipid levels : Lipid profile or lipid levels is a panel of blood tests that serves as an initial screening tool for abnormalities in lipids, such as cholesterol and triglycerides.

Ashwangandha for Hypertension (High Blood Pressure)

In hectic lifestyle we faced stress and tension by so many reasons which increased level of hypertension here ashwagandha play a major role to calm down it ashwagandha root powder give with milk has a great protective effect on high blood pressure .ashawagandha reduces high blood pressure levels by decreasing the stress levels .

Ashwangandha for Alzheimer’s disease

Alzbeimer’s is a disease which you will found mostly in old age people’s in disease they loss memory or it get down which does allow them to forget thing usually here ashwagandha helps to increase brain cells and strength of mind with increase memory etc. ashwagandha root is good for cognition , concentration level and for memory.

Ashwangandha for Arthritis

Arthritis is very painful disease people face lot of problems in life it effects person physically moreover emotionally too because of reduce of body move moment and some time it becomes limited only ashwagandha contain anti-arthritic properties which reduces inflammation and helps to increase anti-inflammatory   makers which reduces swelling , redness and improves body movements .
Ashwagandha Side Effects
If we talk about ashwagandha then it does not have any side effects but we can say that to excess use of it can cause show side effects. Like stomach upset, because of mild person face loose stools etc.

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