मंगलवार, 21 अगस्त 2018

Maharsudarshan churna uses and benefits

Maharsudarshan churna is a febrifuge medicine used in Ayurveda for cure all types of fevers. Basically it decrease toxin ama and fight with fevers and infections. In mostly fever when persons is not getting relief due ama toxins which blocks the micro channels in body in this condition Mahasudarshan churna unblocks these body channels which increase sweating and  fever get reduces .
Moreover Mahasudarshan  churna is also antibacterial, antimicrobial and antiviral actions property which enhances the effectiveness of other anti-infection drugs and decrease the harshness of different bacterial and infections .

Muhasudarshan churna can be used for all types of doshas it is Tridosha shamak it balance vata , pitta , kapha dosha .

Mahasudarshan churna for Acute Fever

Mahasudarshan churna helps to cure acute fever in this fever dosage of 2 grams and repeated in 4 hours difference. In combination with praval pishti and brahmi vati gold or it gives good results to cure fever effectively and prevent body aches resulting from fever.

Mahasudarshan churna Chronic Fever

Sometimes person suffering from low grade fever and facing fatigue and body pain (whole body) in this fever person also suffer of laziness and tightness and lack of appetite, debility and body low immunity, improper evacuation. In this condition it should be used in 1 gram dosage 3 times a day with warm water.

Mahasudarshan churna   typhoid fever

A person is suffering from typhoid fever in this condition person get relief by anti-infections medicines but fever again recurs due to a weak immunity and poor dietary habits then mahasudarshan is also helpful to prevent recurrence of fever.

Safety Profile

Mahasudarshan churna is completely safe it can be given to children, adults who are suffering from fever.In taste it has bitter taste it does not cause any side effects but due taste some people faces nausea or vomit. They all effect are temporary.

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