गुरुवार, 16 अगस्त 2018

Avipattikar churna uses

Avipattikar churna is an Ayurveda medicine which useful for hyperacidity, gastritis, burring due to acid in stomach and Micturition problem too.
Avipattikar Churna It reduces the making of acid secretion in the stomach.
Avipattikar churna has characterized to reduce stomach discomfort, nausea, sour and burning vomit heartburn and burning sensation in throat. Here coconut water play excellent adjuvant role with avipattikar churna in this case.
Avipattikar use for chronic gastritis
There is several things play a role to development of chronic gastritis when mucus make barrier to weaken the digestive juices start and affecting the stomach lining and develops gastritis.
Avipattikar churna is major remedy which makes suitable expelling of acid from stomach to the intestines which help to cure the inflammations and rebuild mucus lined barrier.
GERD (Gastroesophageal reflux disease)
Sometime when stomach contents flows back into the esophagus or food pipe this called gastro esophageal reflux disease. In this condition irritation in linings of food pipe which cause   heartburn, burning in the throat, sour taste and sometime cheat pain etc.
Avipattikar churna play very useful role in this condition it only prevents back flow of stomach contents and impel it to the intesetines.
Difficulty in Micturition (Difficulty Passing Urine)
Avipattikar Churna helps in difficulty initiating urination and frequent urination with a few drops of urine.
Avipattikar churna helps in Micturition if prostate is not the cause of passing the urine Because of its diuretic action it make corrects the action of vata which allow proper flow of urine.
If person has acute inflammation, gastritis problem then avipattikar churna should not be used because it makes worsen symptoms and increase pain too.

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