Drakshasava is an ayurvedic
medicine and tonic which used for body strength, weakness after fever or any
chronic disease. Drakshasava basically works on vata and pitta doshas .
Debility & Fatigue
Drakshasava for weakness after
Basically in Ayurveda there are
many medicines for strength but mostly two medicines are recommend for weakness
one is Drashasava and other is Ashwagandha . Ashwagandha is suitable for those people
with vata type of body.
Drakshasava is suitable for those
people who have body type pitta type. It helps to increase pitta in the stomach
basically it restores all functions of pitta in the body. Which mean to say
that it reduces the excess and increases the deficient
Drakshasava for Constipation
Main ingredient of Drashasava is
raisin which is mild laxative and helps to stimulates bile from liver which
towards to intestine and induces peristalsis. This makes improvement in
digestion and bowel movement.
Drakshasava for Belching
This is natural process which
occurs in body it is reflex for put out side excess air from the stomach. But
some time it becomes too much annoying and person feels burning in throat in
this condition Drakshasava helps to reduce excess air in the alimentary canal
and reduces belching.
Mostly it does not have any side
effects but when person is taking higher dosage of it then it was found in
rarely case loose stools in some people.
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