Kumar kalian Ras
is an ayurvedic medicine for children and use in fever, breathing troubles jaundice,
weakness of the bones, and lack of appetite.
It also improves
immunity and reduces frequency of upper respiratory infections and other infectious
diseases. It is Ayurveda common medicine for children’s who are weak or get
recurrent infections.
In ancient
time Ayurveda professionals have made kumar kalian ras in such way that it can
be given in all diseases which usually occurs in infants and children.
Ingredients of
Kumar Kalyan Ras
The swarna
bhasma, Mukta Pishti and abhrak bhasma in kumar kalian ras is as ingredients
and also enhance immunity and brainpower in children.
Kumar kalyan Ras
It also helps to cure
general physical weakness or debility in children. For this Arvindasva is
accurate adjuvant for kumar kalian ras . In many children’s it has been
observed that their appetite and weight after a sickness in this case we should
use kumar kalian Ras along with Arvindasava is also very beneficial.
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