मंगलवार, 7 अगस्त 2018

Maharhsi Badri Shadbindu oil Benefits

Shadbindu oil it’s an ayurvedic herbal oil which mostly used in Ayurveda for Nasya treatment, migraine, headache, sinus infections and hair fall etc. this oil is use for mainly NASYA Panchkarma therapy. It also useful in the treatment of septal deviations or  turbinate hypertrophy.

Ingredients of Shadbindu Tail :

In shadbindu oil base oil is sesame oil and other herbs like Bhringraj, Herbal Paste Castor roots, Tagara roots/Indian Valerian, Indian Dill, Jivanti ,Rasna ,Cinnamon False black pepper, Mulethi,  Glycyrrhiza Glabra and goat milk .

Shadbindu Tail has anti-inflammatory, anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties. Therefore, it can help in fighting infections of sinuses and reduces inflammation in sinusitis.

Shadbindu Tail is greatly effective in sinus case, but it can speed up the recovery when used for instilling in the nose along with antibiotics. It helps draining mucus, reduces blockage of them which calm down facial pain.   

Most of time patients have thick yellow discharge from nose and sinuses are filled with pus. In this case this oil is also helpful for remove of pus and blockage.

Caution: shadbindu oil is ayurvedic medicine for mostly nasal problems therefore to use it in proper way it’s also we all need to know here we mean to say that it’s Dosage or drops because after use this mostly patients feel sneezing and sometimes irritation in nose which happen for long time . Please always follows Doctor recommended Dosage only .

Write your  health problem on info@maharhsibadri.com

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