शुक्रवार, 31 अगस्त 2018

Vasant kusumakar Ras uses and Benefits

Vasant kusumakar ras is basically used for helps to cure or stable the blood glucose level, urinary disorders in men and women both, urinary track also and diabetes both type 1 or 2 both .vasant kusumakar ras has many properties it can be used as anti –hyperglycemic , cardio protective and aphrodisiacetc , Anti-diabetic, Libido Stimulant.

Vasant kusumakar ras it has properties of anti-diabetic it helps to increase insulin level in plasma. Mostly diabetic patients has problem where they faced frequent urination, thirstiness, and increase of appetite. Here in this condition used of this stabilize blood sugar level which controls these symptoms of diabetes.

Ingredients of vasant kusumakar Ras

Vasant kusumkar ras is made of various herbs which are Praval Pishti,Ras Sindoor,Mukta Pishti ,Abhrak Bhasma , Swarna Bhasma,Raupya (Rajat) Bhasma,Loha Bhasma,Naga Bhasma,Vanga (Bang) Bhasma               Vasaka (Adhatoda Vasica), Haldi ,Ikshu (Ganna – Sugarcane) – Saccharum Officinarum ,Banana Tree Leaves – Musa Paradisiaca,Kamal (Lotus) – Nelumbium Speciosum Chameli (Malati or Royal Jasmine) – Jasminum Grandiflorum ,Shatavari (Asparagus Racemosa),Chandan etc all are having their percentages as par ayurved experts who made it in industry .

Vasant kusumakar Ras for Diabetic

Diabetic neuropathy is a type of nerve damage that can occurs if you have diabetes. High blood sugar (glucose) can injure nerves throughout your body.
Diabetic neuropathy which usually face by diabetic person like we know that diabetes effects on whole body if person has high blood sugar level that can injure whole body but diabetic neuropathy mostly effect nerves of legs and hands which you may have seen in diabetic person. As per medical science it has four types and their symptoms as per define.
We know that vasant kusumakar ras is made of rich source of herbs among them chandi bhasma is helps to benefits to curing diabetic neuropathy like in burning in under the legs then vasant kusumakar ras should be given with guluchyadi kashayam basically it requires long treatment to cure but it also depends on patients’ blood sugar level and lifestyle too.

Vasant Kusumakar Ras for Diabetes carbuncle

Diabetes carbuncle we know that diabetes effects whole body and reduce immune power to fights with diseases in similar it reduce skin combat from infections which develop blisters or boils on skin you may have notice people with pain or pus blisters on neck, back, thigh etc. vasant kusumakar ras helps to cure diabetes carbuncle it reduces inflammation, redness, and prevent infections to spread in other body parts. But it also requires long time and your blood sugar level which ups and downs as par your lifestyle.

Vasant Kusumakar Ras for weight gain

Like we know that diabetes person are having problem of overweight mostly In type 2 diabetes person but some people has problem of loss of weight you may have notice that people eat good amount of food with rich source of protein and fat but weight does not increase it helps to maintain weight and give strength if it consume with ashwagandha powder for vata type of people and if give with shatavari and mulethi for pitta type of people with adjuvant for gaining weight and strength.

Vasant Kusumakar Ras side effects

It does not have any side effects to usual consumption of it in normal dosage like a heavy metal  is there then it must be consume under the guides of Ayurveda practitioner to prevent any side effects  .

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बुधवार, 29 अगस्त 2018

Ashwagandha Benefits and uses

Ashwagandha which is Ayurveda medicine use for many diseases for treatment of them it has many healthy properties which like Aphrodisiac, anti-inflammatory, anti-depressant, adaptogenic, anti-arthritic, carminative etc. ashawagandha which also called withania somniferous. The used of it in many diseases like increase or enhancing immune system , frequent miscarriage , anxiety , stress , depression, arthritis , anemia ,diabetes ,parkinson’s etc.

Ashawagandha is being used since years longs by Ayurveda experts it plays major role in various Ayurveda treatments of diseases. If we say the word ashawagandha then meaning of it “smell of horse”. there is also people say about why it  name  like this then ashawagandha plant has many parts like leave, root, origin etc and it root of ashawgandha emits the smell of horse and another reason for say that if you consuming  it in any form then it may develops or enhances vitality , energy levels , internal body strength same as horse .

Like we all know that various parts of ashawgandha has medical properties In root of ashawgandha is highly useful for medical because it has narocotic , aphrodisiac diluretic properties. Root of ashawagandha has amino acids, alkaloids and starch. And different types of amino acids are in different plant parts of ashawgandha. Ashawgandha seeds and flowers have useful properties seeds are anthelmintic and flowers are diuretic and aphrodisiac. Apart from this ashawagandha leaves and fruits are also useful they are having flavonoids and tannis. Where flavonoid works as antioxidants and helps to decrease free radicals.

Ashwagandha for Heart Diseases

Ashwagandha is very good tonic for heart diseases it works well in them. Like ashwangandha is hypolipididemic which helps to reduce lipid levels it has adaptogen that helps to decrease the effects of stress hypertension and apart from this it ashwangandha is an anticoagulant the helps to reduces the blood clotting in body.
Here lipid levels : Lipid profile or lipid levels is a panel of blood tests that serves as an initial screening tool for abnormalities in lipids, such as cholesterol and triglycerides.

Ashwangandha for Hypertension (High Blood Pressure)

In hectic lifestyle we faced stress and tension by so many reasons which increased level of hypertension here ashwagandha play a major role to calm down it ashwagandha root powder give with milk has a great protective effect on high blood pressure .ashawagandha reduces high blood pressure levels by decreasing the stress levels .

Ashwangandha for Alzheimer’s disease

Alzbeimer’s is a disease which you will found mostly in old age people’s in disease they loss memory or it get down which does allow them to forget thing usually here ashwagandha helps to increase brain cells and strength of mind with increase memory etc. ashwagandha root is good for cognition , concentration level and for memory.

Ashwangandha for Arthritis

Arthritis is very painful disease people face lot of problems in life it effects person physically moreover emotionally too because of reduce of body move moment and some time it becomes limited only ashwagandha contain anti-arthritic properties which reduces inflammation and helps to increase anti-inflammatory   makers which reduces swelling , redness and improves body movements .
Ashwagandha Side Effects
If we talk about ashwagandha then it does not have any side effects but we can say that to excess use of it can cause show side effects. Like stomach upset, because of mild person face loose stools etc.

शनिवार, 25 अगस्त 2018

Shatavari uses and Benefits

Shatavari is very powerful, useful and has great image importance in Ayurveda because of rich source of herbs to be used in many diseases and can say available to many.

Shatavari is an important and most essential female tonic why I am saying this because all walks and age groups women can use this very gracefully. It helps in lot of women life problems which faced by them like menstruation, abdominal cramps and spasms. In during pro pregnancy it give strength to uterus and after pregnancy lot of women face problem of lack of breast milk then for lactation it increase the production of breast milk .

Apart from this like we know that experts say for it available for many shatavari it root , leafs , origin, and all parts are useful for treatments of others human related diseases like diabetes mellitus , high and low cholesterol and trigluceride levels , infertility and many more .

Like Shatavari is rich source of herbs then ayurveda intellectuals called it phytochemicals. Phytochemicals are those who are used for health or give strength. Shatavari has phytochemicals present in root section of plant which helps to increase immune system and fights with oxidative stress.

Differents types of phytochemicals present in shatavari include steroidal saponis knows as shatavarins , alkaloids , oligosaccharides , mucilage , flavonoids such as QUERCETIN and RUTIN present in shatavari fruits  and flowers .

Nutrients in Shatavari

Shatavari has ample source of nutritions also various types of minerals are presents in roots of shatavari which are as copper, manganese, zinc, potassium and selenium. Besides minerals shatavari also is rich source of vitamins too which are vitamin A and ascorbic acid.

Medicinal Properties

In Shatavari (roots and leaves) have various medicinal properties such as Anti-ulcerogenic, Antioxidant,  Anti-diabetic, Anti-Candida , Anti-inflammatory Antidiarrheal, Antimicrobial, Antidepressant, Aphrodisiac, Adaptogenic. Etc.

Shatavari for Diabetes Mellitus

Like we all know that root of shatvari have various properties among them one is anti-diabetic which allow it lowering high blood glucose levels.

Shatavari provocative to expel of insulin from  pancreas which helps to control high blood glucose levels. shatavari root has capability to slow down the carbohydrate consumption in gut . It helps to make easy transportation of glucose in muscle and in body not allow remain in blood. Like diabetic patients has problem of rising blood glucose level pro and after meal then shatavari is beneficial for that problem.

Apart from this shatavari root have other grateful property which is antioxidant
That prevents the production and action of free radicals and helps to protect pancreas from oxidative stress.which major cause of hyperglycemia or high blood glucose levels When oxidative stress levels become high in pancreas then beta cells of pancreas who they produces insulin drop expelled of insulin and which cause blood glucose level rises . By merely control of oxidative stress we can drop the rise blood glucose levels in blood.

Shatavari for High Cholesterol

We all know that high cholesterol levels and oxidative stress can causes of heart diseases and risk of atherosclerosis. shataveri helps to improved lipid profile by reducing the consumption of cholesterol and increasing conversion of  the cholesterol to bile acid which goes out to by way of stool and cholesterol levels is became low .
Shatavari like we know that lower the high cholesterol level it because of presence of many type of healthy compounds which are phytosterols , saponins, flavonoids and ascorbic acid that increase level of antioxidants in body by increase of expel of cholesterol .

Shatavari for Lactation in Women

We know that shatavari is user for treatment of many diseases to men and women both is considered to a milk increase substance (galactagogue ). Shatavari it increases the production of breast milk which problem mostly faced by lactating mothers. A hormone named prolactin is responsible production of milk in lactating mothers.

Shatavari for Gut Health

We all know that most of disease of human body it starts from gut that’s why it very much important to clean and keep healthy gut in body. Shatavari is very useful in cleaning gut how it expel digestive enzyme lipase and amylase which helps to increase digestion activity lipase helps to digestion of fat whereas amylase help to digestion of carbohydrates . shatavari roots normalize flexibility of intestine .

Shatavari for Stress & Depression

Shatavari plays a major role to reduce stress because it has ability to adapt stress. Mostly free radicals and oxidative stress is major cause of stress and depression .Shatavari has property of anti-oxidant which allows it defenses and produces more anti-oxidant enzymes and reduces free radicals. shatavari has anti stress property due to presence of flavonoids , polyphenols and saponins .

बुधवार, 22 अगस्त 2018

Pradarnashak churna uses and Benefits

Pradarnashak churna is an ayurvedic medicine which usually used for gynecological disorders .the main indication of this medicines is pradar (shwet and rakta), fibroids and uterine disorders. pradarnashak is made of many herbs which are following  pushyanug churna with other beneficial herbs such as khun kharaba, sangajraahat, ashok  bark,nagkeshar and geru mitti.

Pradarnashak churna is lenitive that’s why benefits in plies bleeding, bleeding in diarrhea, and help to reduce parasites in intestinal. In women it improves strength of uterus for better pregnancy chances.

What is Pradar Rog?

Pradar is abnormal discharge from vagina. It includes Shwet pradar and Rakta pradar.

 Rakta pradar is abnormal bleeding from vagina and includes menorrhagia and metrorrhagia. Menorrhagia means abnormally heavy bleeding at menstruation and metrorrhagia is the term for abnormal bleeding from the uterus.

 Shwet pradar is leucorrhoea or white discharge. Leucorrhoea is defined as a whitish or yellowish discharge of mucus from the vagina. It can be broadly divided into physiologic leucorrhea which occurs due to estrogen stimulation (in puberty, pregnancy).

Pradarnashak churna for women discharge:

Pradarnashak churna main ingredient is pushyanug churna it is a classical Ayurveda medicine which mostly use for treatment of bleeding disorders.  It said by Ayurveda experts that pradarnashak churna is prepared under the ascendancy of the 8th lunar asterism called pushya and should also be administered under same asterism and ascendancy.

Pushyanug churna it decrease the heat of inside body which cause of excessive pitta. It improves and gives strengthen stop abnormal discharges from uterus.

Pushyanug churna has also other herbs which is ashoka bark it has properties of diuretic which allow it use for uterine tonic and gives relief in uterine spasma , miscarriage , irregular menstrual cycles and urinary disorders in women.it also expel an estrogen like activity that enhances ovulation and repair of the endometrium. 

मंगलवार, 21 अगस्त 2018

Maharsudarshan churna uses and benefits

Maharsudarshan churna is a febrifuge medicine used in Ayurveda for cure all types of fevers. Basically it decrease toxin ama and fight with fevers and infections. In mostly fever when persons is not getting relief due ama toxins which blocks the micro channels in body in this condition Mahasudarshan churna unblocks these body channels which increase sweating and  fever get reduces .
Moreover Mahasudarshan  churna is also antibacterial, antimicrobial and antiviral actions property which enhances the effectiveness of other anti-infection drugs and decrease the harshness of different bacterial and infections .

Muhasudarshan churna can be used for all types of doshas it is Tridosha shamak it balance vata , pitta , kapha dosha .

Mahasudarshan churna for Acute Fever

Mahasudarshan churna helps to cure acute fever in this fever dosage of 2 grams and repeated in 4 hours difference. In combination with praval pishti and brahmi vati gold or it gives good results to cure fever effectively and prevent body aches resulting from fever.

Mahasudarshan churna Chronic Fever

Sometimes person suffering from low grade fever and facing fatigue and body pain (whole body) in this fever person also suffer of laziness and tightness and lack of appetite, debility and body low immunity, improper evacuation. In this condition it should be used in 1 gram dosage 3 times a day with warm water.

Mahasudarshan churna   typhoid fever

A person is suffering from typhoid fever in this condition person get relief by anti-infections medicines but fever again recurs due to a weak immunity and poor dietary habits then mahasudarshan is also helpful to prevent recurrence of fever.

Safety Profile

Mahasudarshan churna is completely safe it can be given to children, adults who are suffering from fever.In taste it has bitter taste it does not cause any side effects but due taste some people faces nausea or vomit. They all effect are temporary.

शनिवार, 18 अगस्त 2018

Drakshasava uses and Benefits

Drakshasava is an ayurvedic medicine and tonic which used for body strength, weakness after fever or any chronic disease. Drakshasava basically works on vata and pitta doshas .

Debility & Fatigue
Drakshasava for weakness after fever
Basically in Ayurveda there are many medicines for strength but mostly two medicines are recommend for weakness one is Drashasava and other is Ashwagandha  . Ashwagandha is suitable for those people with vata type of body.

Drakshasava is suitable for those people who have body type pitta type. It helps to increase pitta in the stomach basically it restores all functions of pitta in the body. Which mean to say that it reduces the excess and increases the deficient

Drakshasava for Constipation
Main ingredient of Drashasava is raisin which is mild laxative and helps to stimulates bile from liver which towards to intestine and induces peristalsis. This makes improvement in digestion and bowel movement.

Drakshasava for Belching
This is natural process which occurs in body it is reflex for put out side excess air from the stomach. But some time it becomes too much annoying and person feels burning in throat in this condition Drakshasava helps to reduce excess air in the alimentary canal and reduces belching.

Mostly it does not have any side effects but when person is taking higher dosage of it then it was found in rarely case loose stools in some people.

गुरुवार, 16 अगस्त 2018

Avipattikar churna uses

Avipattikar churna is an Ayurveda medicine which useful for hyperacidity, gastritis, burring due to acid in stomach and Micturition problem too.
Avipattikar Churna It reduces the making of acid secretion in the stomach.
Avipattikar churna has characterized to reduce stomach discomfort, nausea, sour and burning vomit heartburn and burning sensation in throat. Here coconut water play excellent adjuvant role with avipattikar churna in this case.
Avipattikar use for chronic gastritis
There is several things play a role to development of chronic gastritis when mucus make barrier to weaken the digestive juices start and affecting the stomach lining and develops gastritis.
Avipattikar churna is major remedy which makes suitable expelling of acid from stomach to the intestines which help to cure the inflammations and rebuild mucus lined barrier.
GERD (Gastroesophageal reflux disease)
Sometime when stomach contents flows back into the esophagus or food pipe this called gastro esophageal reflux disease. In this condition irritation in linings of food pipe which cause   heartburn, burning in the throat, sour taste and sometime cheat pain etc.
Avipattikar churna play very useful role in this condition it only prevents back flow of stomach contents and impel it to the intesetines.
Difficulty in Micturition (Difficulty Passing Urine)
Avipattikar Churna helps in difficulty initiating urination and frequent urination with a few drops of urine.
Avipattikar churna helps in Micturition if prostate is not the cause of passing the urine Because of its diuretic action it make corrects the action of vata which allow proper flow of urine.
If person has acute inflammation, gastritis problem then avipattikar churna should not be used because it makes worsen symptoms and increase pain too.

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